Edo is a strange little cat-- I adopted him as a kitten in 2003. His mom was a stray that HALO had taken in, and she soon after gave birth. He was being fostered by Andrea and Jeremy, and I met him at the PetSmart adoption site in Pittsburg. I'm not sure why, exactly, I chose him over the others. I know that I was looking at a pure black one from the same litter (that would be Snowflake, whose bio is also on the Adopters' Tale page), but Edo seemed a bit more mellow, and I had an older German Shepherd mix at home-- I guess I thought that she wouldn't like a really lively kitten. I know that Edo (short for "Tuxedo") was very cute... and he had (and still does have) a kind of pinched little face. He certainly wasn't THAT mellow when I got him home, after all-- he WAS a kitten.
Edo has matured into a very independent cat, he doesn't like to be held, but he head butts me whenever he gets the chance, and curls up at my side to sleep almost every night. It's comforting to know that he's there, my little funny faced cat.

Edo and my other cat, Patch have a cat enclosure that they can go to from the house. It's made with wide gauge wire fencing, and critters can get in it... He's turned out to be a pretty good hunter, bringing me mice-- often still alive. NOT my favorite thing at four in the morning when I'm getting ready for work. I try to get him to drop the mouse, and he just growls at me. More than once I left late because we had a stand off in the kitchen. I did NOT want to go to work knowing that there was a live mouse running around in my house. So far I've won, but I'm pretty sure that there have been other mice that I didn't know about... (shudder) I really don't want to think about THAT.
Baby Edo hanging out in the bathtub with Patches. Try to get him in there to take a bath, though. Right.
Edo loving on Shasta
Edo watching his cat sitting video, wondering why he can't get to those big birds...
Watching the butterflies.
Edo shortly after he took over my home... I mean, "moved in".